Thursday, June 21, 2007

My Husband Writes to Me


You have, my dear, an eternity of unrest.....

were the phrases that tumbled for joan of arc
in her “knightsuit” and florence with the

You have, you have, you have, my eternity of unrest,

the victories of margaret thatcher and
the books of germaine greer, the ultra cool
barbs of shobha de and the thatched cliches
of femina columns.

You have an eternity of unrest an eternity my dear an eternity...of unrest,

to support so many
tendencies and fierce
longings and motivations.
How does the yearning for
my man and
my home and
my man and
my child and
my man and
our home and
our child and
my life and his
life and my
life and our
child’s life
and my
merge with my cool-ness, hip-ness, today-ness, why
does it interfere?

You have my dear, an eternity of unrest,

as alanis screams and tracy groans and baez
cries and sheryl chills while sinead smiles.

You have, my dear, (need I repeat, or say more) an eternity, (should I continue?) of unrest!
My husband wrote this, and gifted it to me a few weeks ago. Perhaps that restless space where one feels an unrest and the other expresses it, is the closest one can ever get to restful spaces.
And as Hamlet said as he fell, "the rest is silence".

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